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The apprehension of God’s infinite knowledge should fill the Christian with adoration. The whole of my life stood open to his view from the beginning. He foresaw my every fall, my every sin, my every backsliding; yet, nevertheless, fixed his  heart upon me. Oh, how the realization of this should bow me in wonder and worship before him!

Arthur W. Pink,  The Attributes of God (Grand Rapids, MI: 1975), 26.

baby jesus in manger

Christ’s union with us in the incarnation is the foundation for our union with him, both now and in the eternal future. It is a pledge of our sonship, as Calvin wrote, for “our common nature with Christ is the pledge of our fellowship with the Son of God; and clothed with our flesh he vanquished death and sin together that the victory and triumph might be ours. He offered as a sacrifice the flesh he received from us, that he might wipe out our guilt by his act of expiation and appease the Father’s righteous wrath.”

-Robert Letham, Union with Christ: In Scripture, History, and Theology (Phillisburg NJ: P&R, 2011) 41, quoting John Calvin, Institutes, 2.12.3

Well Christmas is upon us. For this I am very glad!

One of the things I like about this season is that I get to break out the Christmas music. I thought I would share my favorite Christmas albums in hopes of spreading the Christmas cheer!


Songs filled with the wonderful theology of the Incarnation and of the mission the Incarnated Christ came to complete.


Advent Songs

New feel to traditional (or not so traditional) Christmas songs from Sojourn Community Church. Over all very well done.



Nathan George and company bring a gentle folk tune to traditional Christmas songs.


Christmas Songs

I have always enjoyed Fernando Ortega‘s work. The same enjoyment is carried over to his Christmas album.



Behold the Lamb of God

Last, but certainly not least. Beginning in the Old Testament and journeying to the coming of Christ Andrew Peterson takes you through the big story of Christmas. You can hear the whole album here. And then buy it here. Or you can go see it if they are coming to your town.



If you have any Christmas favorites you want to share feel free to share away.

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